7 Seas Creamy Italian Dressing Old Formula My Grandsons Were Wondering What The 7 Seas Of The World Are?

My grandsons were wondering what the 7 seas of the world are? - 7 seas creamy italian dressing old formula

There are more than seven seas. There are 5 of the 7 continents and oceans, seas, much more. This is probably due to the seven seas is that the Europeans knew before the age of discoveries. Therefore, Red Sea
Mediterranean, Persian Gulf, Black Sea, Adriatic Sea, the Caspian Sea, Indian Ocean


Frosty said...

The North Atlantic, South Atlantic, North Pacific, South Pacific, India, Antarctica and the Arctic Ocean. I think

Frosty said...

The North Atlantic, South Atlantic, North Pacific, South Pacific, India, Antarctica and the Arctic Ocean. I think

garrysyl... said...

There really is 7th
This was the North and South Atlantic,
North and South Pacific
Indian Ocean
The other 2 are slightly dubious
This means that the Arctic Ocean and the Southern Ocean. (The latter part of the other 3.) Is
This is real, at 6 units of Antarctica are the only poetry of the seven seas.

Santa Claus said...

The medieval European literature and has often spoken Arabic of the seven seas. Seven Seas, which are intended to depend on the context. "Seven Seas" is a term common in many ancient literatures before it is adopted by the Greeks and Romans, but appears in the translation of one of the hymns to Enheduanna (Hymn 8) Inanna, written around 2300, before J. - C. Sumer [1]. The number seven has ancient magic of their own traditions, informing many groups of seven. "Seven" as an unknown number remain for a long time synonymous with "several" in the seven Greek waters. [2] In Greek and Western culture, the "seven seas were arbitrary and changed over time, which vary were on the part of the world and time. However, they usually seven in the following list of eleven water :

* Adria
* The Aegean Sea
* The Arabian Sea
* The Black Sea
* From the Caspian Sea
* The Indian Ocean
* The Irish Sea
* The Mediterranean Sea
* North Sea
* Persian Gulf
*Red Sea

Katya001 said...

The old world had seven seas

Adriatic Sea
Aegean Sea
Arabian Sea
Black Sea
Caspian Sea
Indian Ocean
Irish Sea
Mediterranean Sea
North Sea
Persian Gulf
Red Sea

Modern Seven Seas

North Pacific Ocean
South Pacific
North Atlantic
South Atlantic
Indian Ocean
Southern Ocean
Arctic Ocean

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