Pay The Aetna Bill I Have AETNA Insurance Full Coverage, And My Hospital Bill Is $42,519, Will My Insurance Pay All Of It???

I have AETNA insurance full coverage, and my hospital bill is $42,519, will my insurance pay all of it??? - pay the aetna bill

He was in a car accident Sever, lost control, hit a tree. and my $ 42,519 hospital bill, only 5 days in hospital. Nothing's broken, not emerged. He had only a mild concussion in the head and some bruises. AETNA are fully insured and I am a full-time students in the university. Aetna now pay the hospital .. or I have to pay anything. im really confused.


sarah314 said...

If you are in a car accident, you must first determine whether the claim should be submitted on your car insurance.

TaxGurl said...

All measures are somewhat different. You need to say in contact with them, what exactly is covered and what is not. It's a bit strange that everything is covered. In general, there is a deductible, you are also responsible for a certain percentage of the total amount of the invoice must be paid. I have a plan with Aetna, which is very good, but I still have to pay a deductible of $ 250 and must be 20% royalties.

It is impossible to know what your insurance covers, so we have to talk to your insurance agent. You should receive an EOU (probably more than a), which is an explanation of the advantages and details of the amount of total pollution, to know how much insurance coverage, and how they are responsible. Carefully check and verifyNot all litigation and / or treatments which are not really.

If you have an account, do not have the necessary resources to develop the hospital immediately and try to make a payment plan or lower costs. Thu spend one and do not affect your credit. This is the last thing you need after a serious injury.

Greg J said...

Your car insurance has limits for bodily injury upon him. depending on what state you are also on when you pick up health insurance and pay for your injuries. If the wreck is not your fault, you can continue the insurance when the others do not pay your claim. Moreover, if this can not be your fault you for injuries and pain and suffering.If sue your hospital bill for $ 42,000, then I think he would, to a certain law, where in the vicinity of $ 115.000 to 150.000 $ damage. But you have your hospital bills or insurance company will pay $ 42,000 Post

mbrcatz said...

We have no idea.

"Full coverage" does not mean that you are fully covered. This means that you at least a liability, collision and comprehensive. I could not even cover medical expenses covered at all!

Regardless of the limit of medical expenses is that most of you will pay.

Now look at your policy and see how it is. Or call your agent and ask them what their limits.

BTW, a concussion and bruises, no serious car accident. You do not have a permanent injury, not death.

Christine B said...

It's hard to say without any policy relaxation, but in the first.
The $ 42,519 is what the hospital said that Aetna will charge, but I tell you what you are really cool. Suppose suffer Aetna to $ 20,500
You probably have a deductible is paid, and most plans are the plans actually 80:20. Under these assumptions are responsible for $ 4500th
Their plan is better or worse. And hospitals are prepared to develop a payment plan.

Caution: Do not sign a contract for a loan on the balance due

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